علائم ریاضی در انگلیسی

1) + plus
مثال :Two plus three is five . (2+3=5)
2) - minus
مثال : Six minus four is two. (6 – 4=2)
3) × multiplied by
مثال : Two multiplied by three is six. (2×3=6)
4) ÷ divided by
مثال ) Thirty six divided by 4 is 9. (36÷4=9)
5) equal / is
مثال ) Two plus three equals / is five. (2+3=5)
6) per cent /% percent
توضیح = استرس (آوای بلند) روی c قرار می گیرد. s جمع نمی گیرد.
مثال ) of the people who work here are men. (90%) Ninety percent
مثال )often stated that we use only 10 per cent of our brain. It is
اصطلاح = کاملا one/a hundred percent = completely
مثال ) I agree with you a hundred percent.
7) 3² three squared
مثال ) Four squared is 16. (4² = 16)
8) 5³ five cubed
مثال ) Two cubed is 8 / The cube of 2 is 8.
9) power
توضیح = توان
مثال) Three to the power of two is 9. (3²=9)
مثال) Four to the power of three is 64. = 4³=64
10) √ square root
توضیح = جذر
مثال ) The square root of 64 is 8.
11) cube root
توضیح = ریشه سوم
مثال ) The cube root of 64 is 4.